VKNF03 – A Request of Sorts
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So I’m shootin’ some skeet, Nick Rivers-style
Hell yeah, Evan knows what I’m talking about.
Anyway, I’m sliding my balls into some willing holes when I’m approached by this feckless nerd. Sort of a Rick Moranis/Steve Martin type. The ”My Blue Heaven Special.” Dusty blonde, button nose, thick rimmed glasses, sad, pale blue eyes. A slight frame, but with some chub sitting awkwardly on it.
OK, I have to stop myself because I’m dangerously close to giving too much information.
Dude comes up to me and says ”Excuse me, ma’am? Oh, uh, if you don’t mind? ” and I don’t remember if this is the FIRST time I’d ever been ma’amed but I kind of freaked out about it.
Well, yeah, you’re in the air force you must get ma’amed all the time.
I dunno, would you LIKE to get ma’amed Evan?
ANYWAY, dude sheepishly says ”I’m with, uh, God’s Way to Angelic Righteousness-” I cut him off.
”I’m busy right now, SIR.”
He demurs, ”yes, I understand absolutely. Sorry.”
I dunno, because he’s a nerd? I don’t know why someone would say they understand something absolutely!
This guy plopped down on the ramp next to my machine. Just, agonized, defeated. Awful. He eeked out something pathetic sounding and…
Sometimes someone looking sad is kind of hot? A little? A lot? It’s hard to say. I have empathy and everything, don’t get me wrong, but there was something about him…
I’m getting ahead of myself.
I asked him if he was having a rough day. He was like ”if only it were a day.”
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