If It Bounces and is Round a Dog Will Go After It
Sorry I’ve been late with my comic posting. I’ve been posting an additional comic on my tumblr. I did the finale yesterday, as well as doing a 24 hour comic on Saturday. I’m afraid I won’t be posting the 24 hour comic anytime soon, as it actually relates to the very next thing that happens in this comic. So it’ll be posted some time after this comic ends. AAAAAH sorry for blabbering on about minutiae again.
“One Night on Wortleberry Road,” the comic I just published on Tumblr will eventually be colored and posted here. I have no idea when that’ll be though (I actually know exactly when it’ll be.)!
So, hey, I’ve been following and enjoying this comic so far. It’s pretty great!
I do have one question/suggestion, though. Could you put at least a preview image in the RSS feed? Sometimes I overlook that there’s a comic since your updates just look like news posts. Ideally putting the whole comic into the RSS feed would be great, but even if it’s just a reduced-size thumbnail that’d be awesome. I think ComicPress has an option for either way.
Thanks a lot!
I’m redesigning the site sometime this week and one of my goals is to figure that out. It bothers me too. I straight up don’t read some blogs I RSS because everything is after the cut, so I’m totally with you on this.