They drained the lake… but not their hearts
This was my same reaction to finding out my home town had a mayor. Also because the person elected had murdered me. Oh, by the way, this comic is autobiographical.
This was my same reaction to finding out my home town had a mayor. Also because the person elected had murdered me. Oh, by the way, this comic is autobiographical.
That huge text panel is the reason I went and got a handwriting to text font. I don’t (and won’t!) use it all the time, but it’s certainly helpful to have.
The end (sort of!) This is the first comic I’ve ever written script first. Usually I do a storyboard. Can you tell a difference? I could, because I had to make a handwriting font because of some particularly text-heavy pages.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think I said I wasn’t gonna update my comic again this year, but I guess I’m doing a 28 page comic! Whoops! I hope this comic warms your heart, and also your hands and feet because that can be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As a general rule of journalism, I don’t think starting a question with “so what” and finishing it with an accusatory statement is proper policy, but it is common enough.
I use photo reference for more extreme face things, and I want you to know that taking the reference for this page physically hurt me.
I don’t have many pages done but I should be able to keep up! Sorry for any future delays if they happen.
I was desperately trying to figure out how to configure these into a normal page and then realized I didn’t have to.
I decided to make the pages bigger because I’m back to working in 600 dpi, sorry if it breaks my tables, though statistically it’s more likely that you’re looking at this on an RSS reader so it doesn’t matter.
Click here to download ALL of Side 2! “right click, save as” will save the book to the folder of your choice. Take it with you! Read it at your leisure! Share it with your friends! More importantly: Read it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…