Most of the fall will be comics that I made for 24 hour comicbook day, edited, improved expanded and redrawn for mass consumption. I hope it doesn’t bother you that it took me a day to write these. I don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for jessica-bottle
I tried a few new things in this comic, in regards to loosening up and drawing at a smaller size. If you notice it looking a little wonky at times it could be growing pains or maybe it’s just not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Woods Anyone Help Me?
Into the Abyss
COMIC PUBLISHING TIPZ: Ends out MangaStudio has the same wasteful PNG exporting feature as Photoshop, so watch out for that if you want to keep your bandwidth down. I think you can use GiMP or SAI to get a smaller[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tree, Tree Again.
Is he worth yelling about?
The King of Bigmonsters
Bothersome Brother Barter
Bold Assumptions
OK, so I’m trying to be a more sensitive, caring member of society, and I don’t know if making jokes about kidnapping is kosher. It will probably never come up again in my comic, but I just want to take[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Bigmonster Dash R
Hats off to detective work
Follow My WHAT?!
Rotten Egg Dumpster shampoo provided by Suave
Whiners Keeper
So these characters are not necessarily coming back. I may want to have Rex Bigmonster return in some form, as a private investigator, and Jessica is in the same class as an as-of-yet-to-be-seen character (besides in a crowd shot), but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, I was going to post this cover on Monday, since it’s been done for a while, but I ended up getting Pokemon Y and geez-O-pete is that game time consuming. I’m working on having a significant backlog before starting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m really excited to present Glowing Hearts, my new comic. I’ve been working on it for a few weeks now, and am going to try to upload 3 pages a week, as long as I can. I hope you enjoy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Welcome” Back
This page might be my most redone of all time. The top panel was redone twice from the ground up, and has paste-overs on it, Shelley was completely redrawn in each panel, after realizing I would be drawing Shelley’s car[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Expositionally Yours, Jessica Bottle
It’s been like six years, but I updated the way my website looks. It should be more mobile and tablet friendly.
Eleven Fifty-Nine
This chapter was originally supposed to be less than 30 pages long, but I think you’ll be surprised to find out how long it wound up being. I’m about 20 pages deep into the book and the full thing will[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If you care to purchase the entire thing now instead of reading it page by page between now and October, you can grab it here! In case you’re wondering and cannot wait until tomorrow, she’s talking to Jessica Bottle, whom[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tisl Ashwood is NOT making this up (any more)
See! I used color here to indicate something happened! It’s one of the three things that led me to coloring this entire comic, which I was not originally planning to do. Also today is my 5th anniversary with my lovely[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hi, this background was a nightmare. If you care to purchase the entire thing now instead of reading it page by page between now and October, you can grab it here!
If you care to purchase the entire thing now instead of reading it page by page between now and October, you can grab it here! I had to spend some time tagging the main characters from Spry Adventure Comics for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes you get so far ahead in your comic you think nothing could put you behind and then you find out the building you live in is going to be converted into medical real estate and you have two months[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To be honest I don’t actually know if Christmas does still exist in the world of my comic. Guess I better figure out quick! If you care to purchase the entire thing now instead of reading it page by page[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Nothing stopping you, except all those things
If you care to purchase the entire thing now instead of reading it page by page between now and October, you can grab it here!
If you’re wondering why this page is so starkly white compared to everything else, this is the last page I finished, and I just couldn’t psyche myself up to draw the diner 2 or 3 more times. I may come[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
03: Crown on the Ground
Hope you voted as left-leaning as you can or not at all today! This week’s pages are sorta pre-book, and I wanna double check the issue after letting it sit a week, but if you want to purchase it before[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Perhaps? Possibly? These Are the Characters?
You can purchase this issue now if you would like! I just got done doing some touch up work on it like an hour ago. I’m planning to add a special zine to either this or next issue depending on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Happy new year, from all of us (just me) at The Pilotside Chronicle. You can purchase this issue now if you would like!
Now that the new year is out of the way, you can start planning on how you’re going to celebrate my birthday next Friday. You can purchase this issue now if you would like!
Today is the 1 year anniversary of when I started posting my comic! Thank you for reading it, if you have. If you haven’t: Why do you come here and just look at the blog postings?
A Glowing Profile
Congratulations, site visitors, you are literally the only people who are able to see this post as it’s meant to be seen. Granted, there’s no real difference in how it is read as a whole, but still! You can purchase[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t have many pages done but I should be able to keep up! Sorry for any future delays if they happen.
Side-Character Adventure Comics
Glowing Hearts, and every comic on this site, is a spin-off of a comic I’m never going to show you that I did almost a decade ago. The story itself wound up being too close to several other watershed comic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve been trying to make tags for all the characters that have been in this book, but I’ll be honest: Not only did I fudge it a lot, and forget to tag some people, but some characters didn’t actually hadn’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m still finishing this comic, and desperately trying to keep to my two-s-words per issue, one-f-word per chapter/season, and it’s hard. I say both of those words all the time.
First impressions
Important Data Collecting Experiments
Because wordpress solidifies it’s permalink almost instantly, enjoy the way I initially misspelled occurrence.
Some Concrete Plans
As far as I can tell, half the pages for the rest of this set of chapters have between five and twelve characters on them, so I think I’m moving to two pages a week until I get reasonably comfortably[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Amy and Whitney switched names like six times when I was planning stuff. Amy was just known as “Skull” in the previous comics she was in. And oddly, Whitney has one of the first spoken lines by a human on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Who’s That Song for? An Authority?
A New Heart
Getting Your Bell Rung
Eventually going to hit a page where I have to tag 16 characters, and I’m not looking forward to it.
Human is subjective tbh
Leaf it to Tree
I did this background before drawing the characters in, so here are some of the details you’re missing:
The dithering looks a little weird because I’ve started processing my images with Aseprite. Once I do a different color scheme it shouldn’t be an issue. So look forward to that in… 25 pages?
I only obscure copyrighted names because it’s hilarious to me, not because I worry about being sued.
I am willing to put a lot of work into this comic, but I didn’t want to dig for the unicode symbol for alpha. Sorry.
Sorry if there are mistakes in this one – usually I try to be a week ahead. I had gotten 3 weeks ahead at some point and once again the clock has outsmarted me. It’s all behind the scenes but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Mellow Lark
Originally I was going to go right into posting the next issue, but I’ve decided I want to have a deeper think about how I want it to look, and also I haven’t compiled the script into something workable yet.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I haven’t been allowing myself to have a comic putter out the way moments often do, and I did that in this issue. I thought I wouldn’t have to take a break from posting comics here but I am nowhere[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
or having will read it in the future. I’ll be back in a couple weeks to start posting supplementary material.
I might be jumping the gun just a touch on this, as I have a LOT of work to do on the comic still, but I believe I should be able to start posting this… NOW! Please note: I have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Reminder Prevenge is technically just regular murder
Writing a comic and passing it off to someone else to draw is an absolutely wild concept to me, because the text in this page was being changed up to the last step before publishing it.
Are you sure though?
One of the things I’ve been attempting with this comic is sticking to less values of gray (I’m only using 85%, 65% and 40% if you were curious) than previous chapters (In the last couple I used everything from 25%-90%).[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Just about to start drawing the next chapter and might end up having it done before the holidays, and it’s going to be SO HARD not to show you until I hit it in my schedule. ALSO full disclosure now:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Man Called Football 2
An aspect about how I write my comic that could, in no way, come through in the text is that sometimes music is playing in the background that I’m not acknowledging in the comic, and in this specific page the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Can I borrow and possibly destroy your phone?
Sometimes I’ll use 3D models to make sure the proportions in my comic are correct and what I’ve learned from this is that foreshortening looks fake, even in real life.
The Piggle and the Penguin
I didn’t know that the Mortal Kombat techno song was made by Lords of Acid under a pseudonym until I was looking it up for this page.