Archive for boudroit
I’ve heard of CHUCK ROCK before, but CHUCK LOG?
You can purchase this issue now if you would like! Note: This page has been edited to fix a continuity error regarding a future chapter. I haven’t added it to the gumroad version yet, as I’m trying to compile the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You can purchase this issue now if you would like! Check earlier issues for specific clarification on the color of the living room, if desired.
You can purchase this issue now if you would like! Death trap? Lady, a trap only works if people WANT to go there.
Continue to the optional 3.5 social media entry Head Directly to Chapter 4 Thank you for reading this issue, and I assume the other ones as well. If you didn’t read issue 1 and 2: was this very confusing? I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today is the 1 year anniversary of when I started posting my comic! Thank you for reading it, if you have. If you haven’t: Why do you come here and just look at the blog postings?
Fetching and Kvetching
This is the only comic on the site to actively feature cursing, so I guess I better go back and add it into the old comics. You can purchase this issue now if you would like to!
We’re officially at the point where I should let you know that there is not enough comic left for me to hard pitch you buying the rest of it, but you can if you’d like.
I don’t have many pages done but I should be able to keep up! Sorry for any future delays if they happen.
Please know that despite making a reference to a work made by Ricky Gervais, this comic does not support him in any way. Thank you for your concern in this trying time.
This isn’t a spread, really, though it should be. I have a vertical version of this page but everything is incredibly bunched up and difficult to read. I try to make my pages most of a complete idea, and sometimes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Mellow Lark
Originally I was going to go right into posting the next issue, but I’ve decided I want to have a deeper think about how I want it to look, and also I haven’t compiled the script into something workable yet.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Two fun facts: I’m intentionally hiding Wistare’s belly button area because I haven’t determined if she even has one, and despite the fact that there’s like three inches between them, Wistare’s proportions when separated from Tisl make her look WAY[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1012 – Zap me a bed
Jukebox Boudroit
I can pretend that I didn’t post the back cover of one chapter and the front cover of another in the same week, months after the previous page because the next comic needs to be staggered by one page so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I debated with myself about how to approach posting this, but: I’m going to start uploading my comic as it’ll appear in the collection, eventually culminating in the posting of chapter 12. However, that’s not the only new content. Starting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Download the entire side here. “right click, save as” will save the book to the folder of your choice. Take it with you! Read it at your leisure! Share it with your friends! More importantly: Read it the way it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Glowing Hearts Book 1, Side 2: Setting Frames
Click here to download ALL of Side 2! “right click, save as” will save the book to the folder of your choice. Take it with you! Read it at your leisure! Share it with your friends! More importantly: Read it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Full disclosure: I was going to animate this, but it would have taken a month to do properly. Thank you for your understanding.
People often ask me who my comic is supposed to appeal to. I hope that the cover of this part of the comic reveals that the true answer is “oh, just me.”
The leaves remain dead, the ground remains dirty, but the hearts, they are a’glowin’
Thank you for reading this chapter! We’re going to go on a little detour next. In fact, the next comic posted here WON’T be a Glowing Hearts comic, technically. Vanessa Kryzynski Never Fails, next week! It may be a little[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…