Sorry about the hiatus – I was moving and settling in. I’m now in southern United States, a place I never, ever thought I’d live.
Lawn of Flight
I’m moving into a two update a week schedule (the T-days) until I have a much larger buffer than I have now (currently 0 pages)
Watch and Weight
Time to Boogie!
feel free to put this page’s title on a T-Shirt sold at WalMart, possibly with a picture of a three stooge (or multiple stooges, just not three.)
I think I’ve been making my comic actively for 3 years today (I didn’t start posting until July 3rd though), and I’ve made a LOT of pages. I think this is something like page #550 I’ve done total, including covers[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Night ride
So, I’m gonna try transferring this blog over to a new hosting service, so if the entire site goes down next week and I have to re-upload every single thing, that’s why. I’ll be back with Cosmic Fracas in a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…