I did this background before drawing the characters in, so here are some of the details you’re missing:
6 - Radios in Motion
Will I be able to keep pace with this comic? Only time will tell. I got spring allergies coming in like a freight train but I’ll persist.
The dithering looks a little weird because I’ve started processing my images with Aseprite. Once I do a different color scheme it shouldn’t be an issue. So look forward to that in… 25 pages?
Please know that despite making a reference to a work made by Ricky Gervais, this comic does not support him in any way. Thank you for your concern in this trying time.
Door to Yesterday
This isn’t a spread, really, though it should be. I have a vertical version of this page but everything is incredibly bunched up and difficult to read. I try to make my pages most of a complete idea, and sometimes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I only obscure copyrighted names because it’s hilarious to me, not because I worry about being sued.
The DuMont Special
I am willing to put a lot of work into this comic, but I didn’t want to dig for the unicode symbol for alpha. Sorry.
Sorry if there are mistakes in this one – usually I try to be a week ahead. I had gotten 3 weeks ahead at some point and once again the clock has outsmarted me. It’s all behind the scenes but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I recently got Spotify premium again so I considered making playlists for the comic, but I have to make a second account for it, because I apparently got my account in the first few months when you had to use[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Mellow Lark
Originally I was going to go right into posting the next issue, but I’ve decided I want to have a deeper think about how I want it to look, and also I haven’t compiled the script into something workable yet.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I haven’t been allowing myself to have a comic putter out the way moments often do, and I did that in this issue. I thought I wouldn’t have to take a break from posting comics here but I am nowhere[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Dress, Addressed
I think I spelled Addressed right on my first try, a new record. That’s it for this chapter. I thought I was going to be able to launch straight into the next, but I have to write it AND the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
or having will read it in the future. I’ll be back in a couple weeks to start posting supplementary material.